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"People can’t only know the taste of sweetness but also bitterness.”
- INFINITE's Nam Woohyun

"Yesterday is only today's memory and tomorrow is today's dream. Let's do our best."
- INFINITE's Jang Dongwoo
"The greatest thing in life is doing what people say you can’t do."
- EXO's Xiumin

Every single thing that is wonderful in your life are there for reasons.
{✿ exo magcon bye}

written: Thursday, 12 December 2013 @ 15:48 ✿
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i woke up pretty early today hehe ouo today i'm going to do my bm task ugly okay n_n sebenarnya, takde apa pun nak cakap hehe.

 title tells everything ;aaa; i've made a new oneshot, featuring park jinyoung and park chorong. idk. this is my first oneshot ever and i knew my writing sucks. kalau ada masa, do read :-) kalau rajin, tinggalkan feedback hehehe. insyaAllah in the future i'll improve more. maaf kalau ada tersalah bahasa, tak faham cerita. lol.

 tbh, oneshot tu bukan idea asal. masa dah rancang nak buat, ceritanya sebenarnya lain lmao tapi buku aku rangka semua semua tu hilang maklumlah, buat masa darjah enam ;p tiba-tiba terbukak pintu hati nak buat semula lol poyo =_=

 thats it for now. pls enjoy your reading!


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